Aggiungi esempi di dizione con IPA per il tedesco

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Settenvini 2020-10-24 23:11:19 +02:00
parent 05b385d7bb
commit 57398f51ad
3 changed files with 71 additions and 11 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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\title{Manuale di Riferimento all'Italiano}
\author{Matteo Settenvini}
@ -33,6 +44,53 @@
\chapter{Guida Fonetica}
\section{Regole Base di Pronuncia}
\section{Esempi di Dizione}
\thead{\textsc{Suono}} & \thead{\textsc{ITA}} & \thead{\textsc{DEU}} \\
\textipa{b} & \textbf{b}anca; ci\textbf{b}o & \textgerman{\textbf{b}is; \textbf{B}all}\\
\textipa{\|[d} & \textbf{d}ove; i\textbf{d}ra & \textgerman{\textbf{d}ann} \\
\textipa{\t{dz}} & \textbf{z}aino; me\textbf{zz}o & -- \\
\textdyoghlig & \textbf{g}iungla; fin\textbf{g}ere; pa\textbf{g}ina & \textgerman{\textbf{Dsch}ungel; Lo\textbf{gg}ia} \\
\textipa{f} & \textbf{f}atto; \textbf{f}os\textbf{f}oro & \textgerman{\textbf{F}ass; \textbf{V}ogel} \\
\textipa{g} & \textbf{g}atto; a\textbf{g}o; \textbf{g}lifo; \textbf{g}hetto & \textgerman{\textbf{G}ast} \\
\textipa{k} & \textbf{c}ane; a\textbf{c}uto; an\textbf{ch}e; \textbf{q}uei & \textgerman{\textbf{K}aiser; \textbf{k}alt; Ta\textbf{g}} \\
\textipa{l} & \textbf{l}ato; \textbf{l}ievemente; pa\textbf{l}a & \textgerman{\textbf{L}ast} \\
\textipa{L} & \textbf{gl}i; \textbf{gl}ielo; ma\textbf{gl}ia & -- \\
\textipa{m} & \textbf{m}ano; a\textbf{m}are; ca\textbf{m}po & \textgerman{\textbf{M}ast} \\
\textipa{M} & i\textbf{n}verno; a\textbf{n}fibio & -- \\
\textipa{n} & \textbf{n}ano; pu\textbf{n}to; pe\textbf{n}sare & \textgerman{\textbf{N}aht} \\
\textipa{N} & fa\textbf{n}go; u\textbf{n}ghia; pa\textbf{n}china; du\textbf{n}que & \textgerman{la\textbf{n}g} \\
\textltailn & \textbf{gn}occo; o\textbf{gn}i & -- \\
\textipa{p} & \textbf{p}rimo; am\textbf{p}io; co\textbf{p}ertura & \textgerman{\textbf{P}akt; ha\textbf{b}} \\
\textipa{r} & \textbf{R}oma; quatt\textbf{r}o; mo\textbf{r}te & \textgerman{\textbf{r}ot (in der Schweiz oder Bayern)} \\
\textipa{s} & \textbf{s}ano; \textbf{s}catola; pa\textbf{s}to & \textgerman{Wa\textbf{ss}er} \\
\textipa{S} & \textbf{sc}ena; \textbf{sc}iame; pe\textbf{sc}i & \textgerman{\textbf{Sch}al; \textbf{S}tein; \textbf{S}peise} \\
\textipa{\|[t} & \textbf{t}ranne; mi\textbf{t}o; al\textbf{t}o & \textgerman{\textbf{T}al} \\
\textipa{\t{ts}} & \textbf{z}o\textbf{zz}o; can\textbf{z}one; mar\textbf{z}o & \textgerman{\textbf{Z}ahl} \\
\textteshlig & \textbf{c}inque; \textbf{ci}ao; farma\textbf{c}ia & \textgerman{Ma\textbf{tsch}} \\
\textipa{v} & \textbf{v}ado; po\textbf{v}ero; \textbf{w}att & \textgerman{\textbf{w}as} \\
\textipa{w} & \textbf{u}ovo; f\textbf{u}oco; q\textbf{u}i; \textbf{w}eek-end & -- \footnote{Auf Englisch: \textenglish{\textbf{W}ales; \textbf{w}eep}.} \\
\textipa{j} & \textbf{i}eri; sco\textbf{i}attolo; p\textbf{i}ù; \textbf{y}acht & \textgerman{\textbf{J}äger; \textbf{J}och} \\
\textipa{z} & \textbf{s}bavare; pre\textbf{s}entare; a\textbf{s}ma & \textgerman{\textbf{S}ommer; \textbf{S}eide; Ro\textbf{s}e; Spei\textbf{s}e} \\
\textipa{P} & \textbf{h}o; \textbf{h}anno; \textbf{h}a; \textbf{è} & \textgerman{Be\textbf{-}amter\footnote{Knacklaut: kurz Stop. z.B. vor ein Wort, dass mit Vokal anfängt.}}\\
\textipa{a} & \textbf{a}lto; sar\textbf{à} & \textgerman{R\textbf{a}t} \\
\textipa{e} & v\textbf{é}ro; perch\textbf{é} & \textgerman{S\textbf{ee}le; b\textbf{e}ten} \\
\textipa{E} & l\textbf{e}tto; \textbf{è}lica; cio\textbf{è} & \textgerman{B\textbf{e}tt; \textbf{e}cht} \\
\textipa{i} & \textbf{i}mposta; col\textbf{i}br\textbf{ì} & \textgerman{B\textbf{ie}ne; \textbf{ih}n; M\textbf{i}ne} \\
\textipa{o} & \textbf{ó}mbra; c\textbf{ó}me; còm\textbf{o}d\textbf{o} & \textgerman{K\textbf{oh}l; B\textbf{o}te} \\
\textipa{O} & \textbf{ò}tto; p\textbf{ò}sso; sar\textbf{ò} & \textgerman{v\textbf{o}ll; \textbf{o}ffen; T\textbf{o}nne} \\
\textipa{u} & \textbf{u}ltimo; caucci\textbf{ù} & \textgerman{F\textbf{u}ß; g\textbf{u}t} \\
Si noti come, in italiano, le consonanti doppie siano germinali ("lunghe"), e
risultino sempre in una separazione tra sillabe.
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@ -41,11 +99,11 @@
& \thead{\textsc{Cardinale}} & \thead{\textsc{Ordinale}} \\
& \thead{\textsc{Cardinale}} & \thead{\textsc{Ordinale}} \\
0 & zero & nullo \\
@ -71,12 +129,12 @@
20 & venti & ventesimo \\
21 & ven\textbf{tu}no & ven\textbf{tu}nesimo \\
22 & ventidu\textbf{e} & ventidu\textbf{e}simo \\
23 & ventritr\textbf{è} & ventitr\textbf{ee}simo \\
23 & ventitr\textbf{è} & ventitr\textbf{ee}simo \\
24 & ventiquattro & ventiquattresimo \\
25 & venticinque & venticinquesimo \\
26 & ventisei & ventiseiesimo \\
27 & ventisette & ventisettesimo \\
28 & ventotto & ventottesimo \\
28 & ven\textbf{to}tto & ven\textbf{to}ttesimo \\
29 & ventinove & ventinovesimo \\
30 & trenta & trentesimo \\
... & & \\
@ -127,8 +185,9 @@
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\chapter{Coniugazioni Verbali}
\chapter{Coniugazioni Verbali}