# author: Matteo Settenvini // Manual: https://github.com/inkle/ink/blob/master/Documentation/WritingWithInk.md VAR stat_assertiveness = 0 VAR stat_empathy = 0 -> disclaimer === disclaimer === This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. # CLASS: disclaimer + [Understood] # CLEAR: -> intro === intro === = waking_up The alarm clock unstoppably rings at {~six|seven|eight|nine} sharp, for it is Monday and you have to get up. Yes, it tolls for thee. It makes a ruckus like it were hell's bells. There's no escape, the only thing left: getting up for work. Rise and shine! - (opts) * [Get dressed] You {~slip out of your pyjamas|jump off your bed|carefully stretch your arms} and {~put on some clothes|wisely decide to keep your webcam off for the day|rummage in the wardrobe|pick up a t-shirt and some jeans from the floor}. You feel marginally better. -> opts * [Hit the bathroom] You {~wash your teeth|take a cold shower|relieve your bladder}. This makes you feel a tad better. -> opts * [Drag yourself to the kitchen] You {~stumble|drag yourself|walk gingerly} to the kitchen and {~turn on the coffee machine|pick some fresh milk and müsli|fry some eggs and beacon}. Your mood improves somewhat. -> opts * -> done - (done) You feel ready to get on with the rest of your day. -> logging_in = logging_in You sit down in front of your computer, {~coffee|tea|erva mate} firmly in hand. You boot it up, ready to tackle the stream of emails and messages that surely have accumulated during the last few days. Okay, booted. You are ready. * [Log in] -> first_troubles_ahead == first_troubles_ahead TODO: Example of conversation: I don't want to hear it! # CLASS: message-sx Don't you, now. # CLASS: message-dx * [Be nice.] ~ stat_empathy++ -> ending * [Be naughty.] -> ending === ending === You have reached the end. { print_stat("{~empathy|understanding|awareness}", stat_empathy) } { print_stat("{~assertiveness|decisiveness|resoluteness}", stat_assertiveness) } -> END // ------------ HELPER functions ------------------ === function print_stat(name, stat) ==== You {~have used|decided to employ|went to use} the power of {name} {print_num(stat)} time{stat != 1:s}. === function print_num(x) === { - x >= 1000: {print_num(x / 1000)} thousand { x mod 1000 > 0:{print_num(x mod 1000)}} - x >= 100: {print_num(x / 100)} hundred { x mod 100 > 0:and {print_num(x mod 100)}} - x == 0: zero - else: { x >= 20: { x / 10: - 2: twenty - 3: thirty - 4: forty - 5: fifty - 6: sixty - 7: seventy - 8: eighty - 9: ninety } { x mod 10 > 0:<>-<>} } { x < 10 || x > 20: { x mod 10: - 1: one - 2: two - 3: three - 4: four - 5: five - 6: six - 7: seven - 8: eight - 9: nine } - else: { x: - 10: ten - 11: eleven - 12: twelve - 13: thirteen - 14: fourteen - 15: fifteen - 16: sixteen - 17: seventeen - 18: eighteen - 19: nineteen } } }