180 lines
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180 lines
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// src/backend/concrete_environment.hh - Copyright 2005, 2006, University
// of Padova, dept. of Pure and Applied
// Mathematics
// This file is part of SGPEMv2.
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// SGPEMv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with SGPEMv2. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
namespace sgpem
class ConcreteEnvironment;
class SerializeVisitor;
#include "dynamic_process.hh"
#include "dynamic_request.hh"
#include <sgpemv2/environment.hh>
#include <sgpemv2/resource.hh>
#include <sgpemv2/ready_queue.hh>
namespace sgpem
/// \brief An implementation of the Environment class.
/// Class ConcreteEnvironment implements the Environment
/// abstract class.
/// This implementation actually contains the collections
/// of snapshots accessed by the function members defined
/// in the Environment class.
/// \see Environment
class SG_DLLLOCAL ConcreteEnvironment : public Environment
typedef std::map<resource_key_t, SubRequestQueue> SubRequestQueues;
/// \brief Standard constructor.
/// Builds an empty environment.
/// \brief Copy constructor.
/// Performs a deep copy of all structures.
ConcreteEnvironment(const ConcreteEnvironment& c);
/// \brief The standard virtual destructor.
/// The standard virtual destructor.
virtual ~ConcreteEnvironment();
/// \brief Returns an indexed set of snapshots of the processes
/// Returns a standard vector of Process objects describing
/// all the processes of the simulated environment at the
/// considered instant.
/// The Process objects returned are actually DynamicProcess
/// objects. A downcast to DynamicProcess is guaranteed to be
/// always safe.
/// \return a constant set of snapshots of processes
virtual const Processes& get_processes() const;
/// \brief Non-constant version of get_processes()
/// \return a set of snapshots of processes
/// \see get_processes()
virtual Processes& get_processes();
/// \brief Returns an indexed set of snapshots of the resources
/// Returns a standard map of \code int \endcode to Resource
/// objects describing the all resources of the simulated environment
/// at the considered instant.
/// The set is indexed in order to allow retreiving the requested
/// resource of a SubRequest object.
/// Future implementation may provide a cleaner implementation, i.e.
/// a \code get_request \endcode function member in the SubRequest
/// class which returns the Resource object indexed.
/// The Resource objects returned are actually DynamicResource
/// objects. A downcast to DynamicResource is guaranteed to be
/// always safe.
/// \return a indexed constant set of snapshot of resources.
/// \see DynamicSybrequest::get_resource()
virtual const Resources& get_resources() const;
/// \brief Non-constant version of get_resources()
/// \return an indexed set of snapshots of resources
/// \see get_resources()
virtual Resources& get_resources();
/// \brief Returns a snapshot of the current request queue for a resource.
/// Returns a standard vector of Request objects
/// representing the queue of ready requests of threads which
/// are waiting for getting control of a limited-access resource.
/// The Request objects returned are actually DynamicRequest
/// objects. A downcast to DynamicRequest is guaranteed to be
/// always safe.
/// \param resource The resource the requests are for
/// \return The current ready requests queue.
virtual const SubRequestQueue& get_request_queue(resource_key_t resource_key) const;
SubRequestQueue& get_request_queue(resource_key_t resource_key);
/// \brief Returns the set of request queues.
/// Returns a reference to the map from resources to subreuqest queues.
/// It is needed by history to delete the queue associated to a deleted
/// resource.
SubRequestQueues& get_subrequest_queues();
/// \brief Returns a snapshot of the current scheduler's ready queue.
/// Returns a ReadyQueue object representing the queue
/// of ready processes or ready threads, depending on the
/// scheduling policy, which are waiting for getting control
/// of the CPU.
/// \return the current ready queue (constant).
virtual const ReadyQueue& get_sorted_queue() const;
/// \brief Non-constant version of get_sorted_queue()
/// \return the current ready queue.
/// \see get_sorted_queue()
virtual ReadyQueue& get_sorted_queue();
/// \brief The container of all Resource objecs.
/// Actually contains only DynamicResource objects.
// resources come before processes because of
// destruction order. See destructor implementation
Resources _resources;
/// \brief The container of all Process objecs.
/// Actually contains only DynamicProcess objects.
Processes _processes;
/// \brief The queue of the ready schedulables
/// Does not contain the running process.
ReadyQueue _sched_queue;
SubRequestQueues _sreq_queues;
}; //~ class ConcreteEnvironment
} //~ namespace sgpem