
179 lines
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from Abstract import *
import sgpem
## @brief This is the abstract class a user-defined policy
# should inherit from
# This class also exposes the method sort(), which can be
# used to easily sort the queue of ready process with a
# user-defined given compare function.
class Policy:
## @var Avoid instantiation of an abstract class.
# @see Abstract.Metaclass
__metaclass__ = Metaclass
## @brief Configure policy to initial values
# This is called just before a simulation starts, and is responsible
# to define the parameters the policy wants to expose to the user.
# For example, it may make the return value of is_preemptive configurable,
# or register an integer value for a the time slice duration.
# Should be implemented with signature:
# @code
# def configure(self):
# # function body
# @endcode
# @see sgpem::Policy::get_parameters()
configure = AbstractMethod('configure')
## @brief Sort ready processes queue
# This method is called by the scheduler at each
# step of the simulation to sort the ready
# processes queue.
# Should be implemented with signature:
# @code
# def sort_queue(self, event, queue):
# # function body
# @endcode
# @param event Enumeration value of type Scheduler::Event,
# needed by some policies to know the reason of
# the call
# @param queue The sgpem::SchedulableQueue to be sorted.
# Only some methods of it are implemented,
# notably get_item_at(position),
# swap(positionA, positionB) and size().
# @see Policy::Policy::sort()
sort_queue = AbstractMethod('sort_queue')
## @brief Returns whether the policy wants to be preemptive,
# other than by normal time slice termination
# See the return value for a complete explanation. Please
# note how the word ``priority'' here has a general meaning:
# it indicates every process than can bubble up the sorted
# ready queue and come before another. So it's up to
# Policy.sort_queue() to give it a precise meaning.
# Should be implemented with signature:
# @code
# def is_preemptive(self):
# # function body
# @endcode
# @return True If the policy declares it wants the running
# process to be released if a process at higher priority
# is put at the beginning of the ready processes queue
# @return False If the policy always waits the end of the time
# slice (or a process blocking/termination, of course) before
# selecting a new running process, even if it has greater priority
# than the current one
is_preemptive = AbstractMethod('is_preemptive')
## @brief Returns how long is a time-slice for this policy
# A time sliced policy should return a positive integer value,
# a policy which doesn't use slices should instead return -1.
# You're encouraged to use a user-configurable parameter via
# Policy.configure() if the policy is time-sliced, to ensure
# greater flexibility.
# Should be implemented with signature:
# @code
# def get_time_slice(self):
# # function body
# @endcode
# FIXME: what happens for ``return 0''? The same as ``return 1''?
# @return -1 If the policy doesn't want to use time slices
# @return 0+ To specify a time slice duration for this policy
get_time_slice = AbstractMethod('get_time_slice')
## @brief Returns the PolicyParameters instance you can use in
# Policy::Policy::configure()
# @return A sgpem::PolicyParameters instance
def get_parameters(self):
return sgpem.Scheduler.get_instance().get_policy().get_parameters()
## @brief This function implements an in-place stable sort
# using directly SchedulableQueue methods
# The compare parameter should be a user defined binary
# function returning either True or False, defined in one
# of the following ways:
# @code
# # As a lambda anonymous function (preferred)
# # (x and y are two SchedulableStatus objects)
# cmpf = lambda x,y: x.someProperty() < y.someProperty()
# # As a normal *global* function
# def compare(a,b):
# return a.someProperty < b.someProperty()
# cmpf = compare
# @endcode
# The call is then simply:
# @code
# def sort_queue() :
# # ...
# self.sort(queue, cmpf)
# @endcode
# @param self The object caller
# @param queue The SchedulableQueue to be sorted in place
# @param cmpf The binary function to use to compare elements
# @returns None
def sort(self, queue, cmpf):
self.__recursive_qsort(queue, 0, queue.size()-1, cmpf)
## @brief Recursive (private) call to perform quicksort on a
# queue
# @param queue The queue to sort
# @param a The initial element position of the slice
# @param b The final element position of the slice
# @param cmpf The user-defined compare function to employ
# @returns None
def __recursive_qsort(self, queue, a, b, cmpf):
pivot = self.__partition(queue, a, b, cmpf)
self.__recursive_qsort(queue, a, pivot-1, cmpf)
self.__recursive_qsort(queue, pivot+1, b, cmpf)
## @brief Recursive (private) call to partition a slice of the queue
# This private function (the name mangling should work)
# naively sorts a partition of queue in place using just
# its methods.
# Feel the love.
# @param queue The SchedulableQueue to sort
# @param a The partition starting element position in the queue
# @param b The partition ending element position in the queue
# @param cmpf The binary function to use for comparing two elements
# @return The new pivot index
def __partition(self, queue, a, b, cmpf):
# takes pivot element:
right = queue.get_item_at(b)
i = a
for j in range(a,b): # goes from a to b-1
if cmpf(queue.get_item_at(j), right):
# the C++ code should do nothing if i == j:
i = i+1
# puts pivot in place
return i