// src/backend/policy_parameters.cc - Copyright 2005, 2006, University // of Padova, dept. of Pure and Applied // Mathematics // // This file is part of SGPEMv2. // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // SGPEMv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with SGPEMv2; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #include "policy_parameters.hh" using namespace std; using namespace sgpem; using Glib::ustring; /** Register a new parameter of type integer. If there is a parameter with the same name and type it will be overwritten. */ void PolicyParameters::register_int(Glib::ustring name,const int& lower_bound, const int& upper_bound, const bool& required, const int& default_value) { //there is a parameter with the same name!! map >::iterator i = int_map.find(name); if (i != int_map.end()) int_map.erase(i); map >::value_type v(name, Parameter(name, default_value, lower_bound, upper_bound, required, default_value)); int_map.insert(v); } /** Register a new parameter of type float. If there is a parameter with the same name and type it will be overwritten. */ void PolicyParameters::register_float(Glib::ustring name,const float& lower_bound, const float& upper_bound, const bool& required, const float& default_value) { //there is a parameter with the same name!! map >::iterator i = float_map.find(name); if (i != float_map.end()) float_map.erase(i); map >::value_type v(name, Parameter(name, default_value, lower_bound, upper_bound, required, default_value)); float_map.insert(v); } /** Register a new parameter of type string. If there is a parameter with the same name and type it will be overwritten. */ void PolicyParameters::register_string(Glib::ustring name, const bool& required, const Glib::ustring& default_value) { //there is a parameter with the same name!! map >::iterator i = string_map.find(name); if (i != string_map.end()) string_map.erase(i); map >::value_type v(name, Parameter(name, default_value, "", "", required, default_value)); string_map.insert(v); } /** Deletes all registred parameters. */ void PolicyParameters::clear() { int_map.clear(); float_map.clear(); string_map.clear(); } /** Retruns a copy of the map containing all registered integer parameters. */ map > PolicyParameters::get_registered_int_parameters() const { return int_map; } /** Retruns a copy of the map containing all registered float parameters. */ map > PolicyParameters::get_registered_float_parameters() const { return float_map; } /** Retruns a copy of the map containing all registered string parameters. */ map > PolicyParameters::get_registered_string_parameters() const { return string_map; } /** Tries to set the value to the parameter named "name". \returns TRUE if the parameter named "name" has been previously registered and the value stays in the range permitted by the parameter. \returns FALSE in the other cases. */ bool PolicyParameters::set_int(ustring name, const int& value) { map >::iterator i = int_map.find(name); if (i == int_map.end()) //the parameter doesn't exist!! return false; if (value < i->second.get_lower_bound() || value > i->second.get_upper_bound()) return false; i->second.set_value(value); return true; } /** Tries to set the value to the parameter named "name". \returns TRUE if the parameter named "name" has been previously registered and the value stays in the range permitted by the parameter. \returns FALSE in the other cases. */ bool PolicyParameters::set_float(ustring name, const float& value) { map >::iterator i = float_map.find(name); if (i == float_map.end()) //the parameter doesn't exist!! return false; if (value < i->second.get_lower_bound() || value > i->second.get_upper_bound()) return false; i->second.set_value(value); return true; } /** Tries to set the value to the parameter named "name". For the type "string" there are no upper/lower bound limitations. \returns TRUE if the parameter named "name" has been previously registered. \returns FALSE in the other case. */ bool PolicyParameters::set_string(ustring name, const ustring& value) { map >::iterator i = string_map.find(name); if (i == string_map.end()) //the parameter doesn't exist!! return false; i->second.set_value(value); return true; } /** Looks for a parameter of integer type named "name". \returns The value of the parameter \throws A PolicyParametersException if the parameter has not been found. */ int PolicyParameters::get_int(ustring name) const { map >::const_iterator i = int_map.find(name); if (i == int_map.end()) throw PolicyParametersException("Unregistred parameter"); else return i->second.get_value(); } /** Looks for a parameter of float type named "name". \returns The value of the parameter \throws A PolicyParametersException if the parameter has not been found. */ float PolicyParameters::get_float(ustring name) const { map >::const_iterator i = float_map.find(name); if (i == float_map.end()) throw PolicyParametersException("Unregistred parameter"); else return i->second.get_value(); } /** Looks for a parameter of string type named "name". \returns The value of the parameter \throws A PolicyParametersException if the parameter has not been found. */ ustring PolicyParameters::get_string(ustring name) const { map >::const_iterator i = string_map.find(name); if (i == string_map.end()) throw PolicyParametersException("Unregistred parameter"); else return i->second.get_value(); }