#!/bin/sh curdir="$(pwd)" if [ "${1}" == "" ]; then echo "You need to pass the control file as the first parameter of this script." echo "Usage: ./build.sh " exit -1 fi pkgname="$( awk '/^Package/ { print $2; }' "${1}" )" version="$( awk '/^Version/ { print $2; }' "${1}" )" echo "Building debian package from ${1}." tarname="${pkgname}-${version}.tar.bz2" if [ ! -f "${tarname}" ]; then echo "Please put the source package ${tarname} in this directory and launch me again." exit -1 fi tar -xvjf "${tarname}" cd "${pkgname}-${version}" mkdir =build cd =build CXXFLAGS="-O3 -pipe" ../configure --disable-tests --disable-debug --disable-static --prefix=/usr make make pdf destdir="${curdir}/inst-root" make DESTDIR="${destdir}" install-strip docdir="${destdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}-${version}" mkdir -p "${docdir}" cp doc/sgpem2uman.pdf doc/sgpem2dman.pdf "${docdir}" cd .. for i in AUTHORS NEWS README COPYING ChangeLog; do gzip -c "${i}" > "${docdir}/${i}.gz" done cd ${curdir} pkg_size="$( du -sk ${curdir} )" mkdir -p "${destdir}/DEBIAN" sed "s|@SIZE@|${pkg_size}|g" "$1" > "${destdir}/DEBIAN/control" dpkg -b "${destdir}" . rm -rf "${pkgname}-${version}" rm -rf "${destdir}"