// src/backend/serialize_visitor.cc - Copyright 2005, 2006, University // of Padova, dept. of Pure and Applied // Mathematics // // This file is part of SGPEMv2. // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // SGPEMv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with SGPEMv2; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #include "xml_serializer.hh" #include "xml_visitor.hh" #include "xml_serializer_factory.hh" #include "string_utils.hh" #include "environment.hh" #include "history.hh" /* #include "backend/concrete_environment.hh" #include "backend/concrete_history.hh" */ #include "backend/process.hh" #include "backend/serializer_error.hh" using namespace sgpem; #include using namespace std; XMLSerializer::~XMLSerializer() { } XMLSerializer::XMLSerializer() { } void XMLSerializer::save_snapshot(const Glib::ustring& filename, const History& hist) { /* COMPAT: Do not genrate nodes for formatting spaces */ LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0"); if(doc!=NULL){ fill_doc(doc, hist); int nwritten = xmlSaveFormatFile (filename.c_str(), doc, 1); if(nwritten<0) { throw SerializerError("Error writing xml doc to output stream."); } } else { throw SerializerError("Internal Error creating xml doc."); } /* Clean up everything else before quitting. */ xmlCleanupParser(); } void XMLSerializer::restore_snapshot(const Glib::ustring& filename, History& hist) { // TODO - all to do!! // DEBUG - remove me when finished XMLSerializerFactory fact(hist); #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED xmlDocPtr doc; LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); /* * build an XML tree from a the file; */ doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if (doc == NULL) { xmlCleanupParser(); throw SerializerError("Parsing Error: doc is invalid."); } // read all elements and fill hist read_doc(doc, fact); // frees all xml related data xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* Clean up everything else before quitting. */ xmlCleanupParser(); #else /* * the library has been compiled without some of the old interfaces */ throw SerializerError("ERROR: Compilation with SAX1 must be enabled! (?)"); #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */ } const Glib::ustring XMLSerializer::get_filename_extension() { return Glib::ustring("ocio"); } const Glib::ustring XMLSerializer::get_filename_description() { return Glib::ustring("SGPEMv2 XML formatted snapshot save file"); } void XMLSerializer::fill_doc(xmlDocPtr doc, const History& hist) { xmlNodePtr root_node = NULL;/* node pointers */ /* * Creates a new document, a node and set it as a root node */ root_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, (const xmlChar *) "sgpem"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node); /* * Creates a DTD declaration. Isn't mandatory. */ // dtd = xmlCreateIntSubset(doc, BAD_CAST "root", NULL, BAD_CAST "tree2.dtd"); /* * xmlNewChild() creates a new node, which is "attached" as child node * of root_node node. */ xmlNodePtr resources_node = xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "resources", NULL); /* * The same as above, but the new child node doesn't have a content */ xmlNodePtr schedulables_node = xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "schedulables", NULL); fill_resources(resources_node, hist); fill_schedulables(schedulables_node, hist); } void XMLSerializer::fill_resources(xmlNodePtr resources_node, const History& hist) { const Environment& env = hist.get_last_environment(); const Environment::Resources& rvect = env.get_resources(); typedef Environment::Resources::const_iterator res_iterator; res_iterator iter = rvect.begin(); res_iterator end = rvect.end(); while(iter!=end) { XMLVisitor xvisit(resources_node); Glib::ustring key; int_to_string((int)(*iter).first, key); xvisit.from_resource(*((*iter).second), key); iter++; } } void XMLSerializer::fill_schedulables(xmlNodePtr schedulables_node, const History& hist) { const Environment& env = hist.get_last_environment(); const Environment::Processes& pvect = env.get_processes(); typedef std::vector::const_iterator proc_iterator; proc_iterator iter = pvect.begin(); proc_iterator end = pvect.end(); while(iter!=end) { XMLVisitor xvisit(schedulables_node); xvisit.from_process(*(*iter)); iter++; } } void XMLSerializer::clear_history(History& hist) { /* const Environment& env = hist.get_last_environment(); const Environment::Processes& pvect = env.get_processes(); typedef std::vector::const_iterator proc_iterator; proc_iterator iter = pvect.begin(); proc_iterator end = pvect.end(); while(iter!=end) { xvisit.from_process(*(*iter)); pvect. iter = pvect.begin(); } */ } void XMLSerializer::read_doc(xmlDocPtr doc, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { /* * Check the document is of the right kind */ xmlNodePtr root; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (root == NULL) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); throw SerializerError("Reading Error: xml doc is empty."); } // cout << "ROOT: " << root->name << endl; xmlNodePtr cur; cur = root->children; while(cur!=NULL) { // cout << "NODE: " << cur->name << endl; Glib::ustring name((const char *)cur->name); if(name=="resources") { read_resources(cur, fact); } if(name=="schedulables") { read_schedulables(cur, fact); } cur = cur->next; } } XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* read_properties(xmlAttrPtr prop) { if(prop==NULL) return NULL; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=new XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters(); while (prop != NULL) { // // cout << "PROP: " << prop->name; if(prop->children && xmlNodeIsText(prop->children)){ xmlChar *key = xmlNodeGetContent (prop->children); // xmlChar *key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, prop->children, 1); if(key!=NULL) { // // cout << " VALUE: " << key; std::pair key_value(Glib::ustring((const char *)prop->name), Glib::ustring((const char *)key)); par->insert(key_value); // c.insert(typename Cont::value_type(new_key, pos->second)); // cout << " pair PROP: " << key_value.first << " VALUE: " << key_value.second << endl; xmlFree(key); } // else // cout << " !VALUE IS NULL! "; } // cout << endl; prop = prop->next; } return par; } void XMLSerializer::read_resources(xmlNodePtr resources_node, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { xmlNodePtr cur; cur = resources_node->children; while(cur!=NULL) { Glib::ustring node_name((const char *)cur->name); if(node_name=="resource") { // cout << "read_resources NODE: " << cur->name << endl; xmlAttrPtr prop = cur->properties; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=read_properties(prop); if(par!=NULL) { fact.factory_method(Glib::ustring("Resource"), *par); } // fact.create_resource(*par); } cur = cur->next; } } void XMLSerializer::read_schedulables(xmlNodePtr schedulables_node, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { if(schedulables_node==NULL) return; xmlNodePtr cur; cur = schedulables_node->children; while(cur!=NULL) { Glib::ustring node_name((const char *)cur->name); if(node_name=="process") { // cout << "read_schedulables NODE: " << cur->name << endl; xmlAttrPtr prop = cur->properties; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=read_properties(prop); if(par!=NULL) { fact.factory_method(Glib::ustring("Process"), *par); } // pass the "threads node" read_threads(cur->children, fact); } cur = cur->next; } } void XMLSerializer::read_threads(xmlNodePtr threads_node, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { if(threads_node==NULL) return; xmlNodePtr cur; cur = threads_node->children; while(cur!=NULL) { Glib::ustring node_name((const char *)cur->name); if(node_name=="thread") { // cout << "read_threads NODE: " << cur->name << endl; xmlAttrPtr prop = cur->properties; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=read_properties(prop); if(par!=NULL) { fact.factory_method(Glib::ustring("Thread"), *par); } // pass the "requests node" read_requests(cur->children, fact); } cur = cur->next; } } void XMLSerializer::read_requests(xmlNodePtr requests_node, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { if(requests_node==NULL) { // cout << "read_requests NULL" << endl; return; } xmlNodePtr cur; cur = requests_node->children; while(cur!=NULL) { Glib::ustring node_name((const char *)cur->name); if(node_name=="request") { // cout << "read_requests NODE: " << cur->name << endl; xmlAttrPtr prop = cur->properties; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=read_properties(prop); if(par!=NULL) { fact.factory_method(Glib::ustring("Request"), *par); } // pass the "subrequest nodes" read_subrequests(cur->children, fact); } cur = cur->next; } } void XMLSerializer::read_subrequests(xmlNodePtr subrequest_node, XMLSerializerFactory& fact) { if(subrequest_node==NULL) { // cout << "read_subrequest NULL" << endl; return; } xmlNodePtr cur; cur = subrequest_node; while(cur!=NULL) { Glib::ustring node_name((const char *)cur->name); if(node_name=="subrequest") { // cout << "read_subrequest NODE: " << cur->name << endl; xmlAttrPtr prop = cur->properties; XMLSerializerFactory::Parameters* par=read_properties(prop); if(par!=NULL) { fact.factory_method(Glib::ustring("SubRequest"), *par); } } cur = cur->next; } } /* comment */