- xml serializer test in semi-ok version

git-svn-id: svn://svn.gna.org/svn/sgpemv2/trunk@762 3ecf2c5c-341e-0410-92b4-d18e462d057c
This commit is contained in:
paolo 2006-07-14 05:15:03 +00:00
parent d31c31d8a3
commit aee102d05d
2 changed files with 313 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// src/testsuite/test-history.cc - Copyright 2005, 2006, University
// of Padova, dept. of Pure and Applied
// Mathematics
// This file is part of SGPEMv2.
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// SGPEMv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with SGPEMv2; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* This executable tests for workingness of the whole History services,
* and nothing else. */
#include "config.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "backend/concrete_environment.hh"
#include "backend/concrete_history.hh"
#include "backend/history_observer.hh"
#include "xml_serializer.hh"
#include <string.h>
using namespace sgpem;
using namespace std;
* This program tests the XML serialization via the XMLSerializer class.
// insert some resources, processes, threads, requests, subrequests
void fillHistory(History &hist);
// add some other data to verify difference from previous configuration
void addSomethingHistory(History &hist);
// print entire environment into the passed ostream
void dumpEnvironment(const Environment& env, ostream &os);
main(int argc, char** argv)
// output file name
Glib::ustring outfile("xml-visit.xml");
// string stream to compare print dump of environment
ostringstream os1;
ostringstream os2;
ostringstream os3;
ostringstream os4;
ConcreteHistory hist;
cout << "create ConcreteHistory hist" << endl;
// create and fill a history
cout << "fill hist with data" << endl;
// print on a string stream os1
dumpEnvironment(hist.get_last_environment(), os1);
os1 << ends; // null terminated string
// show on consolle
cout << "dump hist(t1) in print format into os1" << endl;
// save to the file
XMLSerializer xmlser;
xmlser.save_snapshot(outfile , hist);
cout << "put hist(t1) in XML format into output file " << outfile << endl;
// add something other to history
cout << "add other data to hist" << endl;
// print on a string stream os2
dumpEnvironment(hist.get_last_environment(), os2);
os2 << ends; // null terminated string
cout << "dump hist(t2) in print format into os2" << endl;
// int cmp = strcmp((const char *)os1.str(), (const char *)os2.str());
cout << "Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist(t2): " << (os1.str()==os2.str()?"equals":"not equals") << endl;
// cout << "strcmp Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist(t2): " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os2.str().c_str()) << endl;
ConcreteHistory hist2;
xmlser.restore_snapshot(outfile, hist2);
cout << "create ConcreteHistory hist" << endl;
cout << "read XML data from file " << outfile << " and put into hist2(t3)"<< endl;
// cout << "history2 - copy of history " << endl;
dumpEnvironment(hist2.get_last_environment(), os3);
os3 << ends; // null terminated string
cout << "dump hist2(t3) in print format into os3" << endl;
cout << "Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist2(t3): " << (os1.str()==os3.str()?"equals":"not equals") << endl;
// cout << "strcmp Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist2(t3): " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os3.str().c_str()) << endl;
xmlser.restore_snapshot(outfile, hist);
cout << "read XML data from file " << outfile << " and put into hist(t4)"<< endl;
dumpEnvironment(hist.get_last_environment(), os4);
os4 << ends; // null terminated string
cout << "dump hist(t3) in print format into os4" << endl;
cout << "Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist(t4): " << (os1.str()==os4.str()?"equals":"not equals") << endl;
// cout << "strcmp Comparing dump of hist(t1) and hist(t4): " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os4.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "************ REDUMP..." << endl;
cout << os1.str() << endl << "**********" << endl;
cout << "************ REDUMP..." << endl;
cout << os2.str() << endl << "**********" << endl;
cout << "************ REDUMP..." << endl;
cout << os3.str() << endl << "**********" << endl;
cout << "************ REDUMP..." << endl;
cout << os4.str() << endl << "**********" << endl;
cout << "strcmp 1 e 1 " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os1.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 1 e 2 " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os2.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 1 e 3 " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os3.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 1 e 4 " << strcmp(os1.str().c_str(), os4.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 2 e 3 " << strcmp(os2.str().c_str(), os3.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 2 e 4 " << strcmp(os2.str().c_str(), os4.str().c_str()) << endl;
cout << "strcmp 3 e 4 " << strcmp(os3.str().c_str(), os4.str().c_str()) << endl;
// typedef std::vector<Process*> Processes;
int ret = 1;
&& os1.str()==os3.str()
&& os1.str()==os4.str())
cout << "test successful" << endl;
ret = 0;
cout << "test failed" << endl;
ret = 1;
return ret;
// insert some resources, processes, threads, requests, subrequests
void fillHistory(History &hist)
// insert resources to delete soon
// this create a numbering of keys starting from 2...
// serves to prove correct save/restore independent from key numbering
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair0 = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Resource 0"), false, 1, 2);
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair00 = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Resource 00"), false, 1, 2);
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Resource 1"), false, 1, 2);
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair2 = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Invalid? Resource <n> 1"), false, 1, 2);
// and print his values
// delete resources to kreate a key numbering hole
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p1 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 1"), 0, 2); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p2 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 2"), 7, 3); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p3 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 3"), 9, 1); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p4 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Invalid? <process/> &3 or\\4"), 9, 1); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
// add a thread - name, parent, cpu time, arrival time, priority
Thread& p1_t1 = hist.add_thread(Glib::ustring("Process 1 - Thread 1"), p1, 8, 2, 6);
// and print his values
// add a thread - name, parent, cpu time, arrival time, priority
Thread& p1_t2 = hist.add_thread(Glib::ustring("Process 1 - Thread 2"), p1, 3, 3, 5);
// and print his values
// add a request - Thread, time
Request& req1 = hist.add_request(p1_t1, 3);
// add a sub request - Request, resource_key, duration, places
SubRequest& req1_sub1 = hist.add_subrequest(req1, respair.first, 5, 2);
// add some other data to verify difference from previous configuration
void addSomethingHistory(History &hist)
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Resource 33"), false, 4, 1);
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p1 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 44"), 4, 2); // name, arrival time, priority
// print entire environment into the passed ostream
void dumpEnvironment(const Environment& env, ostream &os)
os << "dump environment start " <<endl;
const Environment::Resources& rvect = env.get_resources();
typedef Environment::Resources::const_iterator res_iterator;
res_iterator riter = rvect.begin();
Resource* r = (*riter).second;
os << " resource name: " << r->get_name()
/* << " key: " << (*riter).first */
<< " places: " << r->get_places() << endl;
const Environment::Processes& pvect = env.get_processes();
typedef std::vector<Process*>::const_iterator proc_iterator;
proc_iterator iter = pvect.begin();
proc_iterator end = pvect.end();
Process* p = (*iter);
os << " process name: " << p->get_name()
<< " arrival_time: " << p->get_arrival_time()
<< " base_priority: " << p->get_base_priority() << endl;
typedef std::vector<Thread*> Threads;
typedef std::vector<Thread*>::const_iterator thr_iterator;
const Threads& tvect = p->get_threads();
thr_iterator iter1 = tvect.begin();
thr_iterator end1 = tvect.end();
Thread* t = (*iter1);
os << " thread name: " << t->get_name()
<< " arrival_time: " << t->get_arrival_time()
<< " base_priority: " << t->get_base_priority() << endl;
typedef std::vector<Request*> Requests;
typedef std::vector<Request*>::const_iterator req_iterator;
const Requests& rvect = t->get_requests();
req_iterator iter2 = rvect.begin();
req_iterator end2 = rvect.end();
Request* r = (*iter2);
os << " request arrival_time: " << r->get_instant() << endl;
typedef std::vector<SubRequest*> SubRequests;
typedef std::vector<SubRequest*>::const_iterator subreq_iterator;
const SubRequests& srvect = r->get_subrequests();
subreq_iterator iter3 = srvect.begin();
subreq_iterator end3 = srvect.end();
SubRequest* sr = (*iter3);
os << " sub request: " /* << " resource_key: " << sr->get_resource_key() */;
Environment::Resources::const_iterator pos = env.get_resources().find(sr->get_resource_key());
if (pos != env.get_resources().end()) {
os << " name: " << pos->second->get_name();
os << " places: " << sr->get_places() << " length: " << sr->get_length() << endl;
os << "dump environment end " << endl << endl;

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
// src/testsuite/test-history.cc - Copyright 2005, 2006, University
// of Padova, dept. of Pure and Applied
// Mathematics
// This file is part of SGPEMv2.
// This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// SGPEMv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with SGPEMv2; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* This executable tests for workingness of the whole History services,
* and nothing else. */
#include "config.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include "backend/concrete_environment.hh"
#include "backend/concrete_history.hh"
#include "backend/history_observer.hh"
#include "xml_serializer.hh"
using namespace sgpem;
using namespace std;
void fillHistory(History &hist)
cout << "filling history..." << endl << endl;
// add a resource - name, preemptable, places, availability
History::ResourcePair respair = hist.add_resource(Glib::ustring("Resource 1"), false, 1, 2);
// and print his values
cout << "resource name: " << respair.second->get_name() << " key: " << respair.first << " places: " << respair.second->get_places() << endl;
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p1 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 1"), 0, 2); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
cout << "process name: " << p1.get_name() << " arrival_time: " << p1.get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p1.get_base_priority() << endl;
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p2 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 2"), 7, 3); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
cout << "process name: " << p2.get_name() << " arrival_time: " << p2.get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p2.get_base_priority() << endl;
// add a process - name, arrival time, priority
Process& p3 = hist.add_process(Glib::ustring("Process 3"), 9, 1); // name, arrival time, priority
// and print his values
cout << "process name: " << p3.get_name() << " arrival_time: " << p3.get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p3.get_base_priority() << endl;
// add a thread - name, parent, cpu time, arrival time, priority
Thread& p1_t1 = hist.add_thread(Glib::ustring("Process 1 - Thread 1"), p1, 8, 2, 6);
// and print his values
cout << "thread name: " << p1_t1.get_name() << " total_cpu_time: " << p1_t1.get_total_cpu_time() << " arrival_time: " << p1_t1.get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p1_t1.get_base_priority() << endl;
// add a thread - name, parent, cpu time, arrival time, priority
Thread& p1_t2 = hist.add_thread(Glib::ustring("Process 1 - Thread 2"), p1, 3, 3, 5);
// and print his values
cout << "thread name: " << p1_t2.get_name() << " total_cpu_time: " << p1_t2.get_total_cpu_time() << " arrival_time: " << p1_t2.get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p1_t2.get_base_priority() << endl;
// add a request - Thread, time
Request& req1 = hist.add_request(p1_t1, 3);
// and print his values
cout << "request arrival_time: " << req1.get_instant() << endl;
// add a sub request - Request, resource_key, duration, places
SubRequest& req1_sub1 = hist.add_subrequest(req1, respair.first, 5, 2);
// and print his values
cout << "sub request resource_key: " << req1_sub1.get_resource_key() << " places: " << req1_sub1.get_places() << " length: " << req1_sub1.get_length() << endl;
cout << endl;
void showHistory(const History &hist)
void dumpEnvironment(const Environment& env)
cout << "dump environment start " <<endl;
const Environment::Processes& pvect = env.get_processes();
typedef std::vector<Process*>::const_iterator proc_iterator;
proc_iterator iter = pvect.begin();
proc_iterator end = pvect.end();
Process* p = (*iter);
cout << " process name: " << p->get_name() << " arrival_time: " << p->get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << p->get_base_priority() << endl;
typedef std::vector<Thread*> Threads;
typedef std::vector<Thread*>::const_iterator thr_iterator;
const Threads& tvect = p->get_threads();
thr_iterator iter1 = tvect.begin();
thr_iterator end1 = tvect.end();
Thread* t = (*iter1);
cout << " thread name: " << t->get_name() << " arrival_time: " << t->get_arrival_time() << " base_priority: " << t->get_base_priority() << endl;
typedef std::vector<Request*> Requests;
typedef std::vector<Request*>::const_iterator req_iterator;
const Requests& rvect = t->get_requests();
req_iterator iter2 = rvect.begin();
req_iterator end2 = rvect.end();
Request* r = (*iter2);
cout << " request arrival_time: " << r->get_instant() << endl;
typedef std::vector<SubRequest*> SubRequests;
typedef std::vector<SubRequest*>::const_iterator subreq_iterator;
const SubRequests& srvect = r->get_subrequests();
subreq_iterator iter3 = srvect.begin();
subreq_iterator end3 = srvect.end();
SubRequest* sr = (*iter3);
cout << " sub request resource_key: " << sr->get_resource_key() << " places: " << sr->get_places() << " length: " << sr->get_length() << endl;
cout << "dump environment end " << endl << endl;
main(int argc, char** argv)
// using namespace sgpem;
ConcreteHistory hist;
cout << "fill history " << endl;
cout << "history " << endl;
const Environment& env = hist.get_last_environment();
XMLSerializer xmlser;
xmlser.save_snapshot(Glib::ustring("xml-visit.xml"), hist);
ConcreteHistory hist2;
xmlser.restore_snapshot(Glib::ustring("xml-visit.xml"), hist2);
cout << "history2 - copy of history " << endl;
// typedef std::vector<Process*> Processes;
return 0;