- Added norms about documentation guidelines by Djina

- Integrated draft about Mailing List usage (adaptation)

git-svn-id: svn://svn.gna.org/svn/sgpemv2/trunk@205 3ecf2c5c-341e-0410-92b4-d18e462d057c
This commit is contained in:
tchernobog 2006-01-26 14:21:07 +00:00
parent 72fac2b901
commit 1515b2065f
1 changed files with 365 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ Free Documentation License''.
* Directory overview:: How SGPEM sources are organized * Directory overview:: How SGPEM sources are organized
* Writing documentation:: How to write formal documents
for draft approval
* Coding style:: Here there are the rules you should abid * Coding style:: Here there are the rules you should abid
to when working on SGPEM to when working on SGPEM
@ -75,6 +78,9 @@ Free Documentation License''.
our repository, and how we would our repository, and how we would
like you to commit patches like you to commit patches
* Using the Mailing List:: How to compose your messages
when contacting us on the ML
* License:: The full text of the license under which this * License:: The full text of the license under which this
manual is given to you manual is given to you
@ -90,6 +96,13 @@ Free Documentation License''.
@table @strong @table @strong
@item 2006, January 26th, @r{--- Matteo Settenvini}
Added reference subsection about documenting code. Added
decisional and communicative norms.
@item 2006, January 26th, @r{--- Djina Verbanac}
Added section about the writing of documentation
@item 2006, January 24th, @r{--- Luca Vezzaro} @item 2006, January 24th, @r{--- Luca Vezzaro}
Updated some code snippets whose style were Updated some code snippets whose style were
inconsistent with our coding rules. Added the point on inconsistent with our coding rules. Added the point on
@ -112,7 +125,7 @@ First draft of this document
@c % -------------------------------------------------- @c % --------------------------------------------------
@node Directory overview, Coding style, History, Top @node Directory overview, Writing documentation, History, Top
@chapter Directory overview @chapter Directory overview
@cindex directory layout @cindex directory layout
@ -159,10 +172,178 @@ The source files of SGPEM.
@end table @end table
@c % --------------------------------------------------
@node Writing documentation, Coding style, Directory overview, Top
@chapter Writing documentation
@cindex documentation
@section Formal documents and draft proposals
@subsection Introduction
For writing and editing technical documents we use a subsection
of the free office suite @emph{OpenOffice.org 2.0.0}, namely @emph{OpenOffice.org Writer}.
In some cases also use some other subsections of @emph{OpenOffice.org}
will be used, like @emph{OpenOffice.org Calc} for calculations and
charts, and @emph{OpenOffice.org Impress} for presentations.
@subsection Technical document format
All technical documents must respect the styles and formats
explained hereafter.
@emph{All the document start with the Cover Page} :
The @b{cover page} contains in the right corner the logo, name and address
of company. In the middle of the page there's the @b{title} of the specific
technical document. Under the title goes the @b{acronym} of the project
(@acronym{SGPEMv2}), followed by the @b{version} of the document.
Versions use the format @samp{x.y}, where both @samp{x} and @samp{y}
are integers. Minor changes to the document, like grammatical and
spelling corrections comport the increment of @samp{y}, while structural
or significant changes (for example, changing the way to resolve a
specific problem) comport the increment of @samp{x}.
After the version number, it comes the @b{date} of the last modification
made to the technical document. At the end of the cover page it should
be reported the @b{status} of the document, either @emph{Formal} or
@emph{Informal}, followed by one of the tags @emph{External} or
The @b{footer} of the cover page must contain the name of the @b{Author} of
that technical document.
The page after the cover page has to contain:
@strong{Distribution List}: to whom the document goes, it includes
the Surname and Name of the person to who delivers the document along with
the role of that person.
@strong{History of changes} : where to trace the changes made to the specific
document, including the date of the change, the person who made the
change, and the reason(s) of it.
@strong{List of Approved Versions} : here all the approved versions of
that document are traced, reporting the date and the name of the
person who approved that version.
@end enumerate
An @b{Abstract} must follow the List of Approved Versions: a short
one-liner of what the document is about.
On a new page, there's a @b{Table of Contents} that shows all
the @b{Headings} in the file.
If the document has a lot of Illustrations, then after the @b{Table of
Contents} it should follow a @b{Illustration Index} of all figures
included in the file.
After that, every document has to start with the @b{Introduction} section,
where it will be described the purpose of the document, the purpose
of the product and it will be included a list of used @b{References}.
The other parts of the document are specific to the technical document
itself, and therefore should be managed by the author of the document.
Mostly, the general structure for the more common documents can be found at
(in Italian).
In the @samp{docs/misc/} directory of the Subversion repository,
there's an OpenOffice.org @b{template} with some already defined
styles you should inherit from. Its name is @file{templatedocument.ott}.
At the end of every document there must be a @b{Glossary}. The Glossary
is a file on its own (usually the @file{docs/externals/Glossary.odt}
document in the repository), so new entries must be inserted in it.
Every technical document should include the aforementioned file.
Please refer to the OpenOffice.org manual about @emph{Sections} to know
how to do so. The Glossary will then be bound to the document dinamically,
and every change on the Glossary will reflect in a change in all
the documents that are linked to it.
In this way all the technical documents will automatically contain the
latest up-to-date version of the Glossary.
The @b{Header} of all pages, except the one on the cover page,
in the left corner, the name of the company;
in the right corner, the Chapter number and name.
@end itemize
The @b{Footer} of every page, except the cover page, contains:
in the left corner, the title of the document followed by the date of
the last modification;
in the right corner it contains the number of the page due to the total
number of pages.
@end itemize
@end itemize
To make easier to abid to these rules, inherit from the template document that
includes all Fonts and Styles established. It also has a foundation for all
the pages mentioned above.
@c % ---- new subsection
@subsection Documenting code
In order to generate documentation straight from the source code:
@subsubsection C++ code
Please refer to Doxygen manual
in order to learn how to use this automatic tool for extracting
documentation from code.
Every function, class, class member, class method,
and enumeration in code should be documented, less of static
global functions visible only to the current compilation unit.
In particular, for functions and methods, you should use
@code{\param} and @code{\return} to describe respectively
parameters and return value of it.
@subsubsection Python code
It is usually possible to document Python classes so that
calling the @code{__doc__} method of an object returns
its documentation string.
Please refer to the Python manual at @uref{http://www.python.org/}
to learn more of it.
@c % -------------------------------------------------- @c % --------------------------------------------------
@node Coding style, Committing changes, Directory overview, Top @node Coding style, Committing changes, Writing documentation, Top
@chapter Coding style @chapter Coding style
@cindex coding style @cindex coding style
@ -604,7 +785,7 @@ If you need a smart pointer, be sure to check out
@c % -------------------------------------------------- @c % --------------------------------------------------
@node Committing changes, License, Coding style, Top @node Committing changes, Using the Mailing List, Coding style, Top
@chapter Committing changes @chapter Committing changes
@cindex repository @cindex repository
@cindex subversion @cindex subversion
@ -862,10 +1043,190 @@ practice, locking seems to inhibit productivity more than anything else.
@end quotation @end quotation
@cite{Version Control with Subversion, a.k.a. ``The Subversion Book''} @cite{Version Control with Subversion, a.k.a. ``The Subversion Book''}
@c % --------------------------------------------------
@node Using the Mailing List, License, Committing changes, Top
@chapter Using the Mailing List
@cindex mailing list
@subsection Introduction and goals
This mailing list (often referred from now on simply as ``ML'') has been
created with the specific aim of coordinating the effort of the members
of our Software Engineering steering committee.
This chapter focuses on describing a set of guidelines of what
should be considered best practices whenever writing to the ML,
in order to avoid possible troubles and thornful outcomes.
This very chapter (an approved draft) you're reading can be amended
too. For more informations, please refer to the corresponding
subsection, called ``A democratic discussion''.
@subsection About the language, some useful conventions
The English language (either the UK or the US one, but the slangwords)
is believed to be the best choice to deliver our internal
drafts and user manuals, while the external ones are kept in Italian
to help our Customer in his revision work.
The decision of internally using the English language descends
from two considerations:
1) English is probably the most widely used language in the world (at
least taking in account geographical extension). Making an effort to use
it correctly during the development of this project is a good training
ground for the future, and makes @acronym{SGPEMv2} usable also by
non-Italian speakers.
2) It encourages you to use a cleaner and simplier form, since
you're writing in a foreign language: you actually have to think
about what you're doing in a more careful way; not only to express
your ideas, but also to express your ideas @emph{in a way you can be
understood}. Most people that don't read again what they typed if
writing in their mothertongue, usually look through an email
composed in English at least twice, in order to check out for grammar
mistakes. Therefore, it often makes easier to find also conceptual
Please avoid strong words or offensive language. They don't help the
discussion anyway, they represent a waste of bytes on the server, and
at least some of us consider them to be childish behaviour.
If some of us ask you to explain what you meant, or correct your
grammar, please don't lose your temper or feel blue: we're all here to
As a side note, we encourage the use of the "singular they" as a neutral
form. You can find a nice article on this by searching @emph{Wikipedia}.
This doesn't forbid you to use Italian for normal communications over
the ML.
@subsection Steer the wheel
Most discussions start with a draft, like this. The talking then goes on
amendating the document and, when no-one opposes it anymore, the draft is
marked as an approved guideline, and everybody is meant to (as strictly
as possible) abide to it.
Exceptions or revisions to guidelines due to a rework done by some other
process pertain to the @acronym{KA,Knowledge Area} of
Process Improvement (see @acronym{SWEBOK} §9).
The committer could ask for some particular modalities in carrying out
this procedure, although unlikely (usually, it's an internal task).
This draft is hence subject to change in this aspect.
@subsection A democratic discussion
Of course, not everybody has to agree with everyone else on every
subject. We're just humans, after all; we're entitled to our opinion.
Hence, it may be necessary, at times, to set up a votation.
In a votation, if @samp{n} options are available, each voter has
@samp{n*10} points expendable. They can thus weight their decision
prioritizing one or more of the listed choices, and distributing these
points as they wish. The highest scoring option wins the votation.
In case of even scores, ballot can happen until a clear decision
has been reached.
Usually a maximum time to amendate a draft or to vote is declared;
if no further points to discuss are raised in such time, the document
is marked as agreed. The minimum number of days for a votation / to amend
a draft is set to three.
@subsection Keeping the archives clean
If, by writing your response, you've to comment on things that pertain to
@emph{different} @acronym{KA}s, or if the discussion requires to
be "branched" over different subjects, please also start a new thread,
change the subject line, and split your own letter, even if the answer
to a question just takes two lines.
Not only this makes easier to search throughout the archives; it makes
easier for others to reply only to those matters that concern they,
tidily continuing the tree structure of threads.
@subsection Diving in technicalities
E-mails should be sent out text-only, not in @acronym{HTML} format.
This makes them faster to download, store, manipulate, and it even
saves us from kaki-on-pink kitsch backgrounds.
Moreover, text-only mails are (almost always) monospaced; this allows
the more aestethical-inclined of us to integrate @acronym{ASCII}-art
in them, like handmade diagrams.
Virtually all email clients available let you choose how you want to
send your messages to a certain address: if in @acronym{HTML},
plain-text or both. Please choose plain-text only.
Another important thing to keep in mind, is to set your encoding to
@acronym{UTF}-8. This makes interoperability between different and exotic
encodings possible by using a standard base. Yes, even between different
operating systems, like the one called ``98'' and the one named ``2000'' @emph{;-)}.
A simple discussion shouldn't be marked in whatever way: it has just a
meaningful subject. For example: @emph{``hello, world!''} is a bad subject; it
doesn't tell much of the contents of the message, besides that probably
it has some form of salute into it. Also, a line like
@emph{``i've a problem''} is a bad one: it could be a problem in
installing an operating system, in finding a bug in a program, or
in carrying out the rubbish and feeding the cat.
An example of a good subject is @emph{``Possible buffer overflow in
recursive-sort.cc:374''}. Also @emph{``How can I stuff my cat with
friskies?''} is a good one, albeit maybe a little bit off topic.
For documents like this, a subject line of the form @emph{``(draft)
<description>''} is a good choice. It makes it easily recognizable, and
it's like automatically asking for people to amend.
Approved drafts are marked with a date, and are copied in a separate
directory of the repository (tipically, a @samp{doc} subdirectory). A quick
TeXinfo rewrite can be performed if need arises, or if someone is willing
to spend five minutes doing so.
Every approved document contains the full text correctly amended
(whereas, during the discussion just snippets of it are changed by
diff), and starts with a date and a progressive number in its header.
The header should be in the form:
(approved draft) #xxxx, [<area>]
Initially submitted by: <Name Surname>
On date: <YYYY, Month DD>
Approved by:
<Name Surname 1>
<Name Surname 2>
Rejected by:
<Name Surname 1>
Reason of refusal:
<description of the reason>
Finally approved on date: <YYYY, Month DD>
@end example
Of course, the @samp{``rejected by''} list should ideally be empty, or just
listing @samp{``nobody''}. The subject area is up to the writer to purpose,
wisely. Different areas are instantiated as need arises. Please don't
create a forest of areas; it's no use whatsoever.
Have fun, and ...
... happy hacking!
@c % -------------------------------------------------- @c % --------------------------------------------------
@c include license text @c include license text
@node License, Concept index, Committing changes, Top @node License, Concept index, Using the Mailing List, Top
@include fdl.texi @include fdl.texi
@c % -------------------------------------------------- @c % --------------------------------------------------