#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright © 2018 Endless Mobile, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import argparse import os import pwd import sys import gi gi.require_version('EosParentalControls', '0') # noqa from gi.repository import EosParentalControls, GLib # Exit codes, which are a documented part of the API. EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 EXIT_INVALID_OPTION = 1 EXIT_PERMISSION_DENIED = 2 EXIT_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED = 3 def __get_app_filter(user_id, interactive): """Get the app filter for `user_id` off the bus. If `interactive` is `True`, interactive polkit authorisation dialogues will be allowed. An exception will be raised on failure.""" return EosParentalControls.get_app_filter( connection=None, user_id=user_id, allow_interactive_authorization=interactive, cancellable=None) def __get_app_filter_or_error(user_id, interactive): """Wrapper around __get_app_filter() which prints an error and raises SystemExit, rather than an internal exception.""" try: return __get_app_filter(user_id, interactive) except GLib.Error as e: print('Error getting app filter for user {}: {}'.format( user_id, e.message), file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(EXIT_PERMISSION_DENIED) def __set_app_filter(user_id, app_filter, interactive): """Set the app filter for `user_id` off the bus. If `interactive` is `True`, interactive polkit authorisation dialogues will be allowed. An exception will be raised on failure.""" EosParentalControls.set_app_filter( connection=None, user_id=user_id, app_filter=app_filter, allow_interactive_authorization=interactive, cancellable=None) def __set_app_filter_or_error(user_id, app_filter, interactive): """Wrapper around __set_app_filter() which prints an error and raises SystemExit, rather than an internal exception.""" try: __set_app_filter(user_id, app_filter, interactive) except GLib.Error as e: print('Error setting app filter for user {}: {}'.format( user_id, e.message), file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(EXIT_PERMISSION_DENIED) def __lookup_user_id(user): """Convert a command-line specified username or ID into a user ID. If `user` is empty, use the current user ID. Raise KeyError if lookup fails.""" if user == '': return os.getuid() elif user.isdigit(): return int(user) else: return pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid def __lookup_user_id_or_error(user): """Wrapper around __lookup_user_id() which prints an error and raises SystemExit, rather than an internal exception.""" try: return __lookup_user_id(user) except KeyError: print('Error getting ID for username {}'.format(user), file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(EXIT_INVALID_OPTION) oars_value_mapping = { EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.UNKNOWN: "unknown", EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.NONE: "none", EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.MILD: "mild", EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.MODERATE: "moderate", EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.INTENSE: "intense", } def __oars_value_to_string(value): """Convert an EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue to a human-readable string.""" try: return oars_value_mapping[value] except KeyError: return "invalid (OARS value {})".format(value) def __oars_value_from_string(value_str): """Convert a human-readable string to an EosParentalControls.AppFilterOarsValue.""" for k, v in oars_value_mapping.items(): if v == value_str: return k raise KeyError('Unknown OARS value ‘{}’'.format(value_str)) def command_get(user, quiet=False, interactive=True): """Get the app filter for the given user.""" user_id = __lookup_user_id_or_error(user) app_filter = __get_app_filter_or_error(user_id, interactive) print('App filter for user {} retrieved:'.format(user_id)) sections = app_filter.get_oars_sections() for section in sections: value = app_filter.get_oars_value(section) print(' {}: {}'.format(section, oars_value_mapping[value])) if not sections: print(' (No OARS values)') if app_filter.is_user_installation_allowed(): print('App installation is allowed to user repository') else: print('App installation is disallowed to user repository') if app_filter.is_system_installation_allowed(): print('App installation is allowed to system repository') else: print('App installation is disallowed to system repository') def command_check(user, path, quiet=False, interactive=True): """Check the given path or flatpak ref is runnable by the given user, according to their app filter.""" user_id = __lookup_user_id_or_error(user) app_filter = __get_app_filter_or_error(user_id, interactive) if path.startswith('app/') and path.count('/') < 3: # Flatpak app ID path = path[4:] is_allowed = app_filter.is_flatpak_app_allowed(path) noun = 'Flatpak app ID' elif path.startswith('app/') or path.startswith('runtime/'): # Flatpak ref is_allowed = app_filter.is_flatpak_ref_allowed(path) noun = 'Flatpak ref' else: # File system path path = os.path.abspath(path) is_allowed = app_filter.is_path_allowed(path) noun = 'Path' if is_allowed: print('{} {} is allowed by app filter for user {}'.format( noun, path, user_id)) return else: print('{} {} is not allowed by app filter for user {}'.format( noun, path, user_id)) raise SystemExit(EXIT_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED) def command_oars_section(user, section, quiet=False, interactive=True): """Get the value of the given OARS section for the given user, according to their OARS filter.""" user_id = __lookup_user_id_or_error(user) app_filter = __get_app_filter_or_error(user_id, interactive) value = app_filter.get_oars_value(section) print('OARS section ‘{}’ for user {} has value ‘{}’'.format( section, user_id, __oars_value_to_string(value))) def command_set(user, allow_user_installation=True, allow_system_installation=False, app_filter_args=None, quiet=False, interactive=True): """Set the app filter for the given user.""" user_id = __lookup_user_id_or_error(user) builder = EosParentalControls.AppFilterBuilder.new() builder.set_allow_user_installation(allow_user_installation) builder.set_allow_system_installation(allow_system_installation) for arg in app_filter_args: if '=' in arg: [section, value_str] = arg.split('=', 2) try: value = __oars_value_from_string(value_str) except KeyError: print('Unknown OARS value ‘{}’'.format(value_str), file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(EXIT_INVALID_OPTION) builder.set_oars_value(section, value) elif arg.startswith('app/') or arg.startswith('runtime/'): builder.blacklist_flatpak_ref(arg) else: builder.blacklist_path(arg) app_filter = builder.end() __set_app_filter_or_error(user_id, app_filter, interactive) print('App filter for user {} set'.format(user_id)) def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Query and update parental controls.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(metavar='command', help='command to run (default: ‘get’)') parser.set_defaults(function=command_get) parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='output no informational messages') parser.set_defaults(quiet=False) # Common options for the subcommands which might need authorisation. common_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) group = common_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-n', '--no-interactive', dest='interactive', action='store_false', help='do not allow interactive polkit authorization ' 'dialogues') group.add_argument('--interactive', dest='interactive', action='store_true', help='opposite of --no-interactive') common_parser.set_defaults(interactive=True) # ‘get’ command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser('get', parents=[common_parser], help='get current parental controls ' 'settings') parser_get.set_defaults(function=command_get) parser_get.add_argument('user', default='', nargs='?', help='user ID or username to get the app filter ' 'for (default: current user)') # ‘check’ command parser_check = subparsers.add_parser('check', parents=[common_parser], help='check whether a path is ' 'allowed by app filter') parser_check.set_defaults(function=command_check) parser_check.add_argument('user', default='', nargs='?', help='user ID or username to get the app filter ' 'for (default: current user)') parser_check.add_argument('path', help='path to a program to check') # ‘oars-section’ command parser_oars_section = subparsers.add_parser('oars-section', parents=[common_parser], help='get the value of a ' 'given OARS section') parser_oars_section.set_defaults(function=command_oars_section) parser_oars_section.add_argument('user', default='', nargs='?', help='user ID or username to get the ' 'OARS filter for (default: current ' 'user)') parser_oars_section.add_argument('section', help='OARS section to get') # ‘set’ command parser_set = subparsers.add_parser('set', parents=[common_parser], help='set current parental controls ' 'settings') parser_set.set_defaults(function=command_set) parser_set.add_argument('user', default='', nargs='?', help='user ID or username to get the app filter ' 'for (default: current user)') parser_set.add_argument('--allow-user-installation', dest='allow_user_installation', action='store_true', help='allow installation to the user flatpak ' 'repo in general') parser_set.add_argument('--disallow-user-installation', dest='allow_user_installation', action='store_false', help='unconditionally disallow installation to ' 'the user flatpak repo') parser_set.add_argument('--allow-system-installation', dest='allow_system_installation', action='store_true', help='allow installation to the system flatpak ' 'repo in general') parser_set.add_argument('--disallow-system-installation', dest='allow_system_installation', action='store_false', help='unconditionally disallow installation to ' 'the system flatpak repo') parser_set.add_argument('app_filter_args', nargs='*', help='paths to blacklist and OARS section=value ' 'pairs to store') parser_set.set_defaults(allow_user_installation=True, allow_system_installation=False) # Parse the command line arguments and run the subcommand. args = parser.parse_args() args_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != 'function') args.function(**args_dict) if __name__ == '__main__': main()