# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Matteo Settenvini # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later stages: - build - check - test - deploy .with_rust_image: image: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/rust:latest needs: - job: docker:build optional: true docker:build: stage: build variables: CI_TAGGED_IMAGE: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/rust:latest before_script: - docker login -u ${CI_REGISTRY_USER} -p ${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} ${CI_REGISTRY} - echo "Operating on registry ${CI_REGISTRY} and image ${CI_TAGGED_IMAGE}" script: - docker build --tag ${CI_TAGGED_IMAGE} . - docker push ${CI_TAGGED_IMAGE} when: manual rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" && $FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD == "true" - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" changes: - Dockerfile allow_failure: true cargo:check: extends: .with_rust_image stage: check variables: CARGO_COMMON_ARGS: --workspace --no-default-features script: - reuse lint - cargo fmt -- --check - cargo deny check cargo:test: extends: .with_rust_image stage: test # artifacts: # reports: # coverage_report: # coverage_format: cobertura # path: cobertura.xml # junit: junit.xml variables: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CARGO_COMMON_ARGS: --workspace script: - mkdir -p .git/hooks # for rusty-hook - cargo test ${CARGO_COMMON_ARGS} # - cargo tarpaulin ${CARGO_COMMON_ARGS} --locked -o Xml # - cargo test ${CARGO_COMMON_ARGS} -- -Z unstable-options --format json | tee test-results.json # - cargo2junit < test-results.json > junit.xml # - cargo bench ${CARGO_COMMON_ARGS} # DISABLED UNTIL WE HAVE BENCH TESTS