
136 lines
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\frametitle{Relocatable binaries and resources}
\huge Making packages relocatable
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Runtime search path - embedded in the binaries
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Used by the Dynamic Linker (DL) on UNIX systems
\item rpath - almost the first place to look for the libraries,
\newline nowadays {\code{DT\_RUNPATH}} is more common than
{\code{DT\_RPATH}} as a tag
\item Search path sequence for DL -
{\code{RPATH, LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH, RUNPATH, /etc/, /lib/,
/usr/lib}, …}
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\item Can be overwritten - {\code {chrpath, patchelf}}
\item Can be extracted - {\code {objdump, readelf, otool, etc.}}
$ objdump -x <path-to-library> | grep RPATH
$ readelf -d <path-to-library> | grep RPATH
$ otool -L <path-to-library>
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\begin{tabular}{ | p{5cm} | p{5cm} |}
{\textbf {In Build Tree}} & {\textbf {In Install Tree}} \\
{Points to directories in the build folder
\item Usually full paths
\item Updated while installing
\end{itemize}}} &
{Points to directories specified during build for installation
\item Can be full path
\item Can be relative path
\item Can be empty
\end{itemize}}} \\
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\frametitle {Relocatable packages}
Relative or empty rpaths when installed
\item {\code \$ORIGIN} - *nix OSs
\item {\code @rpath} (+ {\code @loader\_path}, {\code @executable\_path}) - Mac OSX \& IOS
\item Always Empty - Android\\
{\info {Usually libraries are packed with {\code APK} and loaded using {\code
dlopen} interface\\}}
\item Always Empty - for Windows\\
{\info {Only user account and system env paths are
searched for libraries, plus the current folder\\}}
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\frametitle{Making loading resources relocatable}
Resources used by package should be easily locatable\\
\textbf{Bad:} when resource paths are hardcoded in the source code\\
\textbf{Good:} when resource paths are dynamically determined at runtime\\
\frametitle{Making loading resources relocatable}
You need to write a function able to determine the relative path from its
containing binary to the installation root at runtime.\\
\item No need to hardcode resouce location in the sources
\item Path to resources should be located based on their types, such as:\\
{\code LIBRARY}, {\code BINARY}, {\code DATA}, {\code CONFIG},
\item Aware of the install tree directory structure
\item Just make sure that install tree structure is not violated
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